

The overall objective for any CNC-manufacturing company is for all parts to be produced with correct quality and the shortest production lead time possible.

In order to achieve the shortest production lead time the company would have to:

  • Use the most efficient techniques, tools and parameters to achieve the most efficient metal removal rate and process flow.
  • Minimize time spent on machine setup.

Factors involved in CNC manufacturing is often too complex to achieve a streamlined production during a one-time limited run of a certain design. Furthermore, technology keeps pushing the boundaries of what is considered optimal at any giving point, so the key to realizing value is to continuously re-apply experience gained during runs of similar products and processes performed in similar materials.

If there are no systems implemented to gather information regarding programs, tools and parameters, chances are that valuable experience will be lost, deleted or forgotten – instead of serving as a checkpoint next time a similar scenario appears.


Keep is a stand-alone application within the that lets machine operators or programmers easily collect relevant data and information about any production run – for any machine.

The application can be used on both desktop and mobile devices, and opposed to traditional tool-management systems – which often require dedicated internal resources – Keep can be implemented with minimal configuration and training.

Machine connectivity is not a requirement to utilize the application, but additional functionality like one-click-transfer of programs to and from the application can be unlocked through connectivity if requested.



The promise of the Keep app is to:

  • Reduce setup time for re-occurring work orders.
  • Improve efficiency through continuous improvement for re-occurring work orders.
  • Create a baseline for creating part-setups with similar features or materials as previously produced.
  • Reduce risk of deviations through reuse of verified programs and setups.
  • Easily handle revision-changes to part or drawing.

Part Information

  • Easily document part number, drawing, revision etc.
  • Easily handle revision changes with copy to new revision.
  • Document tool classifications and properties needed for each operation
  • Search for similar parts, operations or setups based on material, part name, customer etc.


  • Upload CNC programs and connect them to a specific operation
  • Transfer CNC programs to and from machines.
  • Direct file transfer is available through machine connectivity


  • Define all machines and operation-steps involved in creating the part
  • Fixture description
  • Clamping. tailstock and pressure descriptions.
  • Files and image upload
  • Images and documents can be viewed in browser


  • Create default tool-kits for machines
  • Define operation-specific tool-lists, including tool- and insert-types.
  • Upload descriptive tool images

Get in touch

Are you ready to accelerate your business?